Why I love ugly, messy interfaces — and you probably do too 并非总要将Beautiful. Fresh. Clean. Simple. Minimal的设计原则奉为圭臬,完成功能是最重要的,太他妈好用的一个产品,谁会在意他很庞杂混乱。
My Biggest Regret As A Programmer 比较深沉的一个blog,后悔没有抓住时代的机会转型以及在94从Apple离开,说到作为程序员能改变的太少了,是因为作为程序员比较简单。自己也可以思考一下。
Lessons from a Google App Engine SRE on how to serve over 100 billion requests per day 应该算是运维相关,谷歌的Site Reliability Engineer(网站可靠性工程师) Chris Jones阐述了SRE工作的一些方面,自动化,“It’s better to have people do things people are good at and computers do things computers are good at.”, 有 contingency(应急)计划,有网络负载均衡器,有数据迁移,有内部的分析机制及时发现问题。
How BuzzFeed Thinks About Data Science
3 simple reasons why you need to learn Scala
Working at Netflix 2016 谈了自己2年在Netflix的感受以及SRE方面的经验。结合Netflix其他的博客可以看到,其中的开发基本是关于Java和Linux性能调优。
Reclaiming Design Patterns (20 Years Later)
How to get rich in tech, guaranteed.
Fail at Scale-Reliability in the face of rapid change
When I Learned that Computers Have Soul
The software engineer’s guide to asserting dominance in the workplace
Being data-driven: It’s all about the culture
What I learned about software architecture from running a marathon
Defining a reactive microservice
Immersive Linear Algebra – free interactive online book 线性代数书籍,很生动的图画,可以参阅。
(√)Java for Everything 作者根据自己的自己的体会,决定使用java做所有的事情,其中说道了动态语言和静态语言的优劣,Python虽然能够快速着手,但是面对大型,需要长期维护,需要单元测试的项目,java更胜任,而且java比Python快10倍,作者提到了忠实于java后,可以构建自己的lib常用组件。
(√)How (not) to write Factorial in Java 作者从写一个阶乘的util层层递进,引人入胜,其实是要说明over-engineering的弊端,不要以后这个地方要扩展,所以先做好可扩展性的架构设计,这不过是意淫罢了,要着眼于重点,不要过度设计。
(√)java-magic-part-4 sun.misc.Unsafe 学习Unsafe的魔法。
Quora - How is Hashmap in Java implemented internally?
Differences between HashMap and Hashtable?(stackoverflow)
Equals and Hash Code
A generic input/output API in Java
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Java
HowToDoInJava 一系列Java方面的文章,可以看看。
Introduction to Java threads (1996)
Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8
Java Code To ByteCode . PartOne
The infamous sun.misc.Unsafe explained
The Black Magic of (Java) Method Dispatch
Understanding Java Garbage Collection
How to Monitor Java Garbage Collection
Message Queue
Adventures in message queues - Disqueue
Top 10 Uses For A Message Queue 消息队列的应用场景。
Dissecting Message Queues 解析比较了几种常见的消息队列
Apache Kafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data Unix的很多哲学,值得我们不时回头反思汲取
The value of Apache Kafka in Big Data ecosystem
Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part 1)
Announcing Kafka Connect: Building large-scale low-latency data pipelines
Data Architecture in an Anti-Fraud Architecture
Elements of Scale: Composing and Scaling Data Platforms
Database versioning best practices
How does a relational database work 知其所以然,关系型数据库如何工作的。
NoSQL & Redis &Memcached
Operating System
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Distributed System & Software Architecture
6-824-distributed-computer-systems-engineering-spring-2006 MIT的分布式系统课程。
A Distributed Systems Reading List
Facebook’s software architecture
Software Architecture cheat sheet
Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods
The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction - 中文版
Linux & Unix Philosophy
Apache Kafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data
Miller is like sed, awk, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV
Network & TCP/IP
Webcomic: How DNS Works (
Python List Comprehensions: Explained Visually解析Python中的列表解析
Backend infrastructure at Spotify
Airbnb Shares The Keys To Its Infrastructure Mike Curtis讲述了Airbnb很多的技术方面-分享经济;数据中心使用的AWS,工程师应该把注意力放在企业的独特之处;更多的server是用来做分析和机器学习,为用户找到合适的place;Airbnb工程上的重点就是实现更好的匹配,有机器学习,搜索排名,欺诈发现;Hadoop等等。
Stack Overflow: The Architecture - 2016 Edition
The Epic Story of Dropbox’s Exodus From the Amazon Cloud Empire
4 reasons why microservices resonate
Object-oriented vs. functional programming
Packet Capture, Injection, and Analysis with gopacket
In search of the perfect URL validation regex
How a Car Engine Works 汽车发动机是如何工作的,长点知识。